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Entries in Jeannie Barrick (43)


Lubbock Headshot Photographer ~ Lubbock, TX ~ Ms. Council

Stephanie Council is currently a doctoral choral conducting student at Texas Tech. She has come to Lubbock from Princeton, New Jersey where she completed a Master's Degree in Choral Conducting at Westminster Choir College.

Ms. Council's genuine love for the choral art shines through.  I felt a real moment of connection with her when she declared that Herbert Howells' "Requiem" could be be the greatest a capella choral work of the 20th century.

Ms. Council has the unique opportunity to work for the "Lisbon Summer Fest Choir and Chamber Choir" as the alto section leader this summer. She needed headshots specifically for this event. I present them to you now:




Lubbock Headshot Photographer ~ Lubbock, TX ~ Dr. Santa

Last week, I had the privilege of photographing Dr. Matthew Santa, department chair of music theory at Texas Tech University. Dr. Santa has held an important role in my life over the past nine years. He has served as my major professor, as a music theory colleague, and as a friend. 

Dr. Santa is a master teacher. He knows his subject matter, is efficient in the classroom, and offers regular feedback that maximizes his students' chance at success. His consistency provides his students with a safe place to learn and grow. Texas Tech is a better place because he is on faculty. 

Dr. Santa is a scholar. He wrote a textbook called Hearing Form (Routledge, 2010), which compels the student to identify musical forms with and without the score. The identification of phrase endings and cadences by ear ultimately enhances one's understanding and appreciation of music.

Finally, Dr. Santa is a great person. He is ethical, fair, reliable, trustworthy, and efficient. I couldn't ask for a better person to work with on a daily basis.

It is my pleasure to share Dr. Santa's headshots:




Lubbock Engagement Photography ~ Lubbock, TX ~ Jamie and Peter

My brother is getting married! I had the incredible honor of taking engagement pictures for my one and only brother and his beautiful fiance while visiting my family in Louisville, Kentucky earlier this summer. I couldn't be more pleased to have Jamie in our family and am looking forward to being a part of their big day in September.

Peter and I have always shared a love of choral music. In fact, it was his involvement in the Louisville Ballard High School Choir and Madrigal Singers that propelled my own love of choral music. I would also be at least a decade behind in technology without my big brother.

I am thrilled for Jamie and Peter and am happy to present their engagement pictures:


On a final note, here is a childhood picture of my brother and me near our home in Louisville, KY. Thanks to our father, Troy Lovett, for taking the picture.


Lubbock Wedding Photographer ~ Lubbock, TX ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock

I took a trip to Carlsbad, New Mexico to shoot Tiffany and Jarrett's wedding. Tiffany has always had a gift for history-- historical trends, historical fashion, etc, so a Victorian themed wedding fit Tiffany to a T. This couple is perfect for one another and, as Tiffany's friend, I could not be happier that they have one another. Best wishes for a long and happy life together!




Lubbock Portrait Photographer ~ Lubbock, TX ~ Lisa Garner Santa

Texas Tech flute professor Lisa Garner Santa is a shining star. Her sound and technique merge together effortlessly to produce an ethereal sound that is the envy of flutists everywhere. Dr. Garner Santa is also a master teacher. Her students continuously win major competitions, are accepted to prestigious graduate programs, and go on to have successful careers. In addition to her duties as a performer and teacher, Dr. Garner Santa maintains a yoga studio in Lubbock. She has traveled all over the world studying the art and philosophies of yoga and brings her highly devloped skills and training to her Lubbock yoga studio.

Lisa Garner Santa has a new look. A new hairstyle left her in need of some updated photographs for publicity and, most importantly, for her website. I urge you to visit Dr. Garner Santa's website where you will hear flute playing at its finest. 



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